
如果你在美国境内寄包裹.S. 它丢失了, 损坏的, or had broken or missing pieces and it was covered by insurance, 学习如何提交“赔偿要求”." Your insurance may have been included with the 美国邮政总局® 十大网堵平台或单独购买. 合资格项目包括:

  • 特快专递® 物品及其他投保邮件
  • 货到付款(COD)项目
  • 有保险的挂号邮件®物品

(For 美国邮政总局 fee or postage refunds, please see 申请美国邮政总局退款:国内.)


Either the sender or the recipient may file a claim for insured mail that is lost, 到达受损, 还是缺少内容. The person filing must have the original 邮寄收据. Each claim must be filed within a certain time period and include proof of insurance, 价值, 和损伤.

注意: These instructions do not include all the details and exceptions in the Postal Regulations in the Domestic 邮件 Manual (DMM®).



Each mail service has a different filing period. The filing period is based on the mailing date on your receipt and whether your package 到达受损.


If your item arrives 损坏的 or is missing contents, you may file a claim immediately but must file no later than 60天 after the mailing date.


If your item does not arrive at all, file a claim in the time period for the service you used.


Including the right documentation with your claim helps 美国邮政总局® 更快地批准. Save all your evidence documents until your claim is resolved.


The tracking or label number is found on your online label record, 包装标签, 邮寄收据, 或者销售收据. 跟踪 and label numbers are between 13 and 34 characters.


Any of these items show evidence of insurance:

  • Original 邮寄收据 issued at the time of mailing
  • Outer packaging showing the names and addresses of the sender and the addressee and the proper label showing that the article was sent insured
  • Printed electronic online label record or computer printout from the application used to print the label and purchase the insurance

注意: 美国邮政总局 may not legally pay compensation for uninsured lost or 损坏的 articles. If your uninsured mail is missing or delayed you may request a 搜寻遗失邮件.


Proof of 价值 is the cost or 价值 of an item when it was mailed. Any of these can be used to show proof of 价值:

  • 销售收据
  • 已付发票或已付销售单据
  • Statement of 价值 and/or estimates of repair costs from a reputable dealer
  • 信用卡帐单
  • Receipt of costs incurred for reconstruction of non-negotiable documents
  • Printouts of the online transaction identifying the purchaser and seller, 支付价格, 交易日期, 所购物品说明, and assurance that the transaction status is completed


Photos that clearly show the extent of damage will help with your case. 损坏索赔, you’ll also need to provide an estimate of the repair costs from a reputable dealer.

  • Save the original packaging and everything in the package until your claim is settled.
  • Do not throw out 损坏的 items, even after you photograph them.
  • 没有损坏的物品不退货吗. 将它们与损坏的物品保存在一起.
  • You may be asked to take the entire package to your local Post Office™ facility for inspection.


The fastest and easiest way to file your claim is online. 如果您不能向美国邮政总局提出索赔.com, you can start a claim process by mail. After you file, keep all your evidence documents until the claim is resolved.


To file online, log in to or create your free 美国邮政总局.com帐户. Your claim case will be associated with your account.

  • You will be able to save your claim to finish later if you cannot complete the form in one session.
  • Once you have filed a claim, you can see it in your 宣称历史.



If you’re unable to file a claim online, you can have a Domestic Claim Form mailed to you.

  1. Call the 美国邮政总局 全国物资客服 and request a Domestic Claim PS Form.
  2. 填好表格并邮寄, along with proof of 价值 and evidence of insurance, 寄到表格上的地址.

1-800-332-0317 (requests for paper Domestic Claim 形式 only)



美国邮政总局 Accounting 十大网堵平台s determines whether to pay a claim in full or in part, or to deny a claim.


美国邮政总局 usually sends claims decisions within 5-10 days. 你也可以检查 宣称历史 在你的美国邮政总局里.Com帐户更新.

  • Claim processing times depend on whether an item is 损坏的 or lost.
  • Claims for 损坏的 items are usually processed more quickly than lost mail claims.
  • Before processing lost mail claims, 美国邮政总局 will first perform a 搜寻遗失邮件.


  • Your claim may be completely approved or approved in part. After your claim is approved, you should receive payment for the claim amount in 7-10 business days.
  • 美国邮政总局 does not pay a claim higher than an item’s actual 价值.


  • 索赔可以被部分或全部拒绝.
  • Your decision letter will list the reasons for the denial.


If your refund was only partially paid or completely denied, you may file an appeal within 30 days of receiving the decision.


  • Submit your appeal the same way you submitted the original claim, whether online or by mail. 你可以从你的 宣称历史.
  • Focus your appeal on the reasons your claim was denied.
  • You may submit new documentation to support your appeal.


如果你的上诉被驳回, you can file a second appeal within 30 days of the date you received the appeal denial. Follow the same process for final review as for your first appeal.
